A brand new moisturizing cream that protects victims of partner abuse

PR campaign for SOS Viol


SOS Viol is a charity in Belgium that helps fight against partner violence. They asked us to promote their free SOS Viol helpline numbers (Belgium French-speaking: 0800 30 030 and Belgium Dutch-speaking: 1712).


Within a couple, violence often goes hand in hand with excessive control: going through messages, checking the bank account, … So, how can you keep the SOS Viol helpline number for when you need it?

PR campaign for SOS Viol


We created a simple, everyday item that women can discreetly carry in their handbags or share with a friend. An item that would never raise their partner’s suspicion.

A hand cream.

A moisturizing hand cream named after the SOS Viol helpline free number. An ordinary product that makes you never forget the helpline number in case of partner violence.

This PR campaign was created for the French (0800 30 030) and the Dutch (1712) speaking communities in Belgium, each one with their own telephone number.

PR campaign for SOS Viol
PR campaign for SOS Viol
PR campaign for SOS Viol
PR campaign for SOS Viol


The campaign was featured in popular fashion magazines. To make it look like a real beauty product, a sample sachet was attached to the page reinforcing the message that SOS Viol can help and protect women.

You can find the campaign in ELLE Belgium here

PR SOS Viols in Elle Belgium magazine
PR SOS Viol campaign in Elle Belgium magazine
PR campaign. Product in pharmacy